Sunday, December 08, 2019


I am sitting here given time to think. Still suffering from an infection in my sinus and chest that has over-taken my ability to want to do anything. It is depriving me of time with my daughter since she is suffering from some kind of pneumonia, and as I just visited the doctor, she advised me not to visit my daughter for my sake, something about communicable pneumonia.

My problem is every visit to California renders me sick as a dog and each day I grow sicker. Within two days of arrival in Burbank, my sinuses start to get a burning that eventually starts a hacking cough to clear my filled lungs. I decided I couldn’t do that anymore. Sadly, I will miss Christmas with my grandchildren. TLW (The Little Woman) will go with #2 Son and I will stay home. What I plan to do is visit my daughter on that day also, and bring some lasagna for the two of us.

Don’t feel bad for me since I am happy to spend the time with my daughter on Christmas day. She needs her family also. I am her family. We will spend the day in good cheer and I will make her laugh if it kills me.

What I am going to do to keep my tradition alive is to go to a local Italian restaurant and order a multi-fish dinner for the 24th and Lasagna for the 25th. I will remember my past and I will remember the past of my children. I will remember all that has past in my life and pray that those that still are here will find the holiday fruitful and fulfilling.

I will try to get my daughter into a jerry chair and we will together, move along the halls of her medical center and wish as many as we can a Merry Christmas, maybe even have some fun, father and daughter.

Let the season begin, enjoy this time of the year and stay healthy as we get nearer to the big Christmas and Hanukah traditions.

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