Thursday, October 26, 2006


Yesterday TLW (The Little Woman) and I went to a funeral parlor to say goodbye to a sister of a friend we know. As we were sitting with the family, we were talking about relatives who had come from Buffalo to mourn the passing. The conversation turned to great aunts and uncles, and someone or course had to throw in a curve ball and mention “Grand” nephew, and what the difference was between a great and grand nephew. No one seems to be sure, including TLW what the differences are!

This is one of life’s questions that always go unanswered, and are best saved for just such occasions as funeral parlors, where they can be left behind. I mean, who really cares, unless something is stipulated in a will with my name attached to it, then I care.

If you met some of my relatives, you would say: “Great, ^%$@*&I&^ great!” When I didn’t see them, it was: GRAND! I had great uncles who couldn’t wait to see you, they were grand, I had great uncles who didn’t know you, and I thought that was great. Am I confusing you? Well, why not, it qualifies you to jump into the conversation.

My Grandmother was “Grand”, and so was my Grandfather, so what did it make my aunts and uncles? If they slipped me a few bucks when my parents weren’t looking, they were not only “great” but “grand.” If they didn’t they were “Cheap.”

Where am I taking you with all this? I don’t know, but it was great writing to you, and I had a grand old time doing it.

Thank you.

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