Sunday, October 15, 2006


You are probably wondering: “Where did I hear that before?”

No, it isn’t what I’d tell my parents after every report card, but the mantra of a Dodger fan growing up in Brooklyn in the 40’s and 50’s.

It looks like “next year” is indeed next year if the new Bums of Queens don’t get it together soon, and why are there little red pubic hairs growing under the lips of all those Cardinal fans?

Not being a bad sport, I will give the Cardinals credit; they are playing way over their heads, roughly around their waists.
I for one do not care for their rowdy penchant for screaming and waving those stupid towels, and wish they would put them away, in their proper place, roughly somewhere between their cheeks.

My Mets played great all year, and one lousy slump is not going to ruin it for me, no sir, I will hate the Cardinals no matter what, chin pubic hairs and all.

So all you Met fans out there, get out from under the beds, behind the sofas, and in the trees and …

WAIT TILL NEXT YEAR, if we must!

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