Monday, April 30, 2007


Today I had to go to the agency that I volunteer at and sign some checks. I was handed three folders with checks in them and as I signed I noticed that one of the folders had some checks for others to sign. I pointed it out to the bookkeeper and she thanked me for pointing it out. I said I was afraid they may be looking for those particular checks and would spend a lot of time in the process.

It for some reason reminded me of all the names I write on slips of paper, websites and phone numbers that I forget to put names to. Taking the number down, I think to myself; “oh, I’ll remember this” and don’t. Often I think, I’ll sit down today and dial the numbers to see who answers. Then I think, no. I can’t do that; say they have caller I.D.? You know it could be your number I wrote down.

Then I thought about how absent minded I have become, seeing something, I tell myself I will fix it, move it, or do something to it, but I get distracted and forget all about it. This morning I finished my exercise tape, rewinded it and left the room to do something, and forgot all about it for an hour and a half!

Even when I type notes, notes that no one but I will ever see, I eliminate widows, restructure the sentence or do something to correct it for publication! Old habits from my career as an art director getting ready for presentation or press are still steeped in my veins as I correct everything including line and letter spacing.

I think I need a vacation from myself, but I can’t remember why?

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