Sunday, April 22, 2012


The other evening TLW (The Little Woman) was out and I was just getting home from a business meeting. I grabbed the remote and there on the set was Wheel of Fortune, my favorite way of annoying myself.

As I sat catatonic like, staring into the boob tube thinking about Grandma Vanna, TLW arrived, and we greeted each other. She waved her eyebrows and I waved mine back. (We promised the day we got married to never have a day without waving our eyebrows at each other) Out of the TV came the first contestant to be interviewed, and it went like this.

Pat Sajak: “And you are married with two children I see.”

Contestant: “Yes Pat, I’m married to an awesome husband and two children.”

Pat Sajak: “I guess the children are awesome too?”

Contestant: “Yes, Pat, TWO awesome children, my son Rosencrantz who lives with us and is 39 and unemployed and my awesome daughter Gwendelina-Stabbin who is 43 and is a full time student at Al’s college and lives with us, too.”

TLW is listening to all this and from the kitchen yells out: “Doesn’t anyone EVER say ‘My rotten husband’? (She says she doesn’t yell, just enunciates clearly)

“No, you would be the first.”

Let’s face it, all the awesome husbands wives go on TV, us no goodniks have our wives stay away from live TV because if we didn’t it would mean take out or starve until she came home.

I could imagine TLW on Wheel of Fortune-

Pat Sajak: “And you are married with three children I see.”

TLW: “Yes Pat, I’m married to a pain in the ass husband and three children.”

Pat Sajak: “I guess the children are nice?”

TLW: “Yes Pat, they take after me.”

This would be called: “Reality TV”

1 comment:

Jim Pantaleno said...

I loved the story that broke a month or so ago about how Pat and Vanna used to get hammered before doing the show. I think that's the only way I could ever do what they do for all those years.