Sunday, November 25, 2012


One morning last week, I came down from my shower and was entering the den when TLW (The Little Woman) greeted me with some startling news.

“You wouldn’t believe what happened last night!” she said.

“What?” (You are probably wondering where I got my education? At Al’s College)

“I heard this woman’s voice about 3 in the morning!”

“Huh?” (I know: it impresses me too.)

“She must have had a bullhorn, and she was using it what seemed like right outside our door!”

“Really?!” (I know, there are even bigger words I might know.”)

“Yes, she was saying: ALERT!

“She was saying: Alert!” (I know Mom is sooo proud)

“Yes,– ALERT, your program has been updated!”

“WOW!” (And you wonder where my kids get their intelligence from.)

It seems I left my computer on from designing a few jobs I was working on, and in so doing, left the sound on because I like to hear music while I work!

I think the next time the lady shows up with the bullhorn, I will have passed to the great design studio in the sky, by design of TLW’s hands around my neck.

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