Thursday, November 01, 2012


It was a Sunday morning, and we would stick to our usual routine as long as possible before leaving for the airport. That meant that we would head to the local diner for breakfast and seek out our usual waitress, TLW (The Little Woman) would do a little last minute shopping while I took a last minute nap.

My view of the waitress

TLW's view of the waitress
We enter the diner which is empty, and I ask the usual question: Can you squeeze us in?” and of course we are escorted toward the usual booth.

“The usual?” asks the waitress.

“Yes” I answer and add: We are going to California today!”

“OOOOOH! How nice, Where?”

“LA, and that’s not all, we are going to see a taping of the Big Bang Theory!” I add.

“OH! I love that show, it’s my favorite!” she says, her eyes rolling upward and a slight sway in her stance.

“But wait, there’s more, we are going to meet the stars after the taping, my son writes for the show!”

YOUR son writes the show!? How cool is that? Her hands clasped in her lapped while holding her pen and pad.

You know, the fun of going to California, is not what excited me, the chance to see #1 Son, the sharing of Seinfeld quotes, and the common sobbing over the Mets and Jets is what excites me. Seeing his name on the credits as they roll by, the fact that he had something to do with the show leaves me with a pride, but the little blond kid I used to know will be there too, and THAT, more than anything else will be the best part, for both TLW and myself.

And so one last check that our cell phones are all charged as well as our Kindle Fire books for the long flight across country, our GPS is stored handily and everything we need is in tact and ready, off we go to the golden shores of LA, the unbearable traffic and the crazy highways that were designed by a madman, nut-case drivers and wild rides on the freeways.

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