Thursday, May 30, 2013


I always lead by example!
It has always worried me that I be remembered well. That people think of me as a sober person who tried to do good, set a good example, was helpful and above all serious. One thing we can’t have is a clown running around doing silly things.

Had a good Catholic education, in part.
Always clean behind the ears.
I often look back to the early years and the hardships my sisters and I endured growing up in Brooklyn, and even on the Island, and think, all that: should not go for naught.

Tried to communicate my goals in life

deportment is right up there, too!
Introspection is filled with self-recrimination and harsh criticism, that I should have done this or that differently. As a child my Mom always made sure my shoes were polished so that later in life I would have some self-pride. No matter how poor we were, we were always dressed cleanly, neatly and appropriately, Mom was a stickler like that. Often she would admonish me about NOT embarrassing her!

Education is important!
Dad made sure that I had a good work ethic. I always had to have a job from when I was 11 years old, and he stressed the importance of an education, earning a living and education being paramount to success. He too worried that I not embarrass him, and for some reason this was my parent's worry, and frankly, why I don’t know!

So I take myself very seriously, knowing how people perceive me is key to good relationships with the outside world. I married a very serious person from a very sober family, and so I fit right in. Anyone who knows me knows that I don’t fool around, I mean: life is very serious, and so should you be!
Have a serious day!

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