Monday, June 08, 2009


It seems that I can never get names right! I always screw up the spelling, or the pronunciation of a place, or thing for that matter. Take yesterday’s blogue for instance. In yesterday’s blogue, I mentioned ‘Netflick’ instead of ‘Netflix’. My question is: did you understand what I meant? I did.

TLW (The Little Woman) never thought it was from age. She knew me when. I’ve been Netflicking for years. The famous Hall of Fame pitcher whose name is Tom Seaver, I called ‘Tom Seavers’. There is a park in LA called Griffith Park, that I for some reason call ‘Griffiths Park’. I can take away an ‘s’ just as easily as add one on to a name or thing!

#1 Son finds it amusing that it happens. What he is admitting to now is, that he is doing the same thing! Yes, he inherited my penchant for screwing up names! Yes! A chip off the old blockhead!

He also thinks I can remember any meal from any date in my life. This morning at breakfast, he asked me what I had to eat on August 14th, 1987. I had to ask him to clarify his question: did he mean breakfast, lunch or dinner? (Pasta for dinner.)

It is true I can remember dates and on some occasions, the meal I had that day. I love to eat, like any decent Italian boy from Brooklyn. Food is held in deep reverence, and should be recalled with respect and fondness.

There are other ‘irregularities’ about me that my rotten kids notice. If something may be said that is off the wall, I just may be the guy to say it. Or, if there is an embarrassing situation or thing that has happened to one of them, that it may end up on the blogue! Imagine that?

Please remember all those that need our prayers, including my brother-in-law, John

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