Sunday, June 07, 2009


There is a documentary that TLW (The Little Woman) ordered through Netflick. If you want to see a different perspective on life, then get this if you can. This is a rare occurrence for this blogue to have any recommendations!

The film follows a chorus of elderly people, people that are at the late December of their lives, who sing the songs of early May! It takes you through the rehearsals and the ordeal of singing by people who will not stop their lives for old age, or for some infirmary.

Songs by James Brown no less, get the geriatric treatment, and they carry the tune, convincingly! It also carries with it, the pain of losing one’s friend, but knowing that life goes on, and so will they. A beautiful slice of life, that teaches one to live day to day, and brings to mind the wonderful generation that have given us so much, in their spirit, sacrifice and teachings.

If you think that being elderly is funny, or that they are non-entities, think again, there is a life that is powerful and vibrant, so I strongly recommend that you view it.

I have to thank my SSIL (Sicilian Sister-in-law), Angela for making the recommendation to TLW (The Little Woman) when they were last together.

Please remember all those that need our prayers, including my brother-in-law, John

1 comment:

Laura L-V said...

This is one of my favorite docs, a real tear-jerker and also so hopeful and uplifting! Glad you liked it! - MFF