Saturday, November 19, 2011


Earlier this month I wrote a blog about #1 Son, and included a picture of him and my beautiful daughter-in-law, Courtney. Well it seems that neither one of them like the picture I used, one that I happen to like. They feel that they don’t come off real enough in it, yet I see two beautiful people that look sincere in it.

But I will acquiesce to their wishes and no longer use the picture. (See picture)

TLW (The Little Woman) suggested a picture from the wedding, but that would mean that they are always dressed that way, and I don’t think they want that.

Then I got to thinking about the blog I did write making a comparison between David Arquette and that he was married to Courtney Cox, and that #1 Son looks like Arquette and is married to a Courtney.

I called a meeting of the DelBloggolo editorial committee and we decided that we do need a picture, so why not an iconic one, one that will not be the couple, but will represent them.

Our policy here at DelBloggolo is: “Don’t complain about looking like a moviestar!”

Note to #1 Son: Not one mention of food was made in this blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha! Unfortunately the movie star I look like in the other picture is Bela Lugosi!

--#1 Son