Thursday, November 10, 2011


I called my 93-year old mother the other day, and got a lecture in gratitude.

“Hi Ma, how are you?

“Oh, I’m doing just fine. How are you and the family?”

“Not bad, everyone is fine, can’t complain, been busy.”

“Well, its good to be busy. You should be grateful that you feel good enough to do anything. Think of all the people that can’t do anything: YOU can do something. Be grateful.”

“OK, Ma, I’ll be grateful.”

“Sure, think of all the people bed-ridden, I bet they are grateful, and you complain!”

“No Ma, I’m not complaining, I’m grateful.”

“Don’t get so smart, you’re not too big to get it on the head with a wooden spoon.”

“No Ma, really, I’m grateful. In fact, next time I throw out the garbage, or clean up a mess, I’ll be sure to be grateful! In fact, if you want, you can come over and make a mess and I’ll clean it up and be grateful, really.”

“And what about all those poor people that can’t do anything? Can’t find a place to live, or are starving, so stop being a big baby and be grateful.”

“You are right Ma, I’m so ashamed. For now on, I’ll think of you and be grateful!”

“Yea sure, I bet.”

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