Monday, March 25, 2013


When the electronic age of communications started in my house back in 1991, it was with a computer placed in an empty bedroom, and I was the only one on it. TLW (The Little Woman) didn’t want anything to do with it. #1 Son was interested, but he was smart enough to learn it on his own, and although so was TLW, she felt she knew nothing about it, so she didn’t want to hear it if something went wrong.

I went out at some point and purchased a used computer, one that I used to show #2 Son how to use so he would learn, and even sat TLW down to learn it, but still she refused to get too involved.

Then she discovered that there was a whole world of shopping and information out there, emanating from the computer, and she began her quest to become computer literate, and Internet savvy. The problem was I would be downstairs in the den and she would be upstairs and across the house calling out: “JOOOOOOOOOOEEEE, CAN YOU COME UP HERE A MINUTE? This was doing wonders for my health since I was climbing two flights of stairs, and helping the waistline, but my morale was sagging!

These calls were often and maybe two or three times a morning! What to do? One day, I asked her if she wanted a computer of her own. “Oh no! I don’t need a computer, I can read the newspapers and get the circulars to shop. You can do the computer stuff for me”

Then one year I decided to give up the exercise and purchase her a laptop, a MAC, titanium 17 inch I think, and we began the process slowly, but agonizingly, as she would plod through it. Sitting next to me, she would try to get on the Internet and complain that she couldn’t get on. It was too low and could I please fix it? I thought I’d like to fix her upstairs where she started out, but remembered the exercise. Since we were both using the laptop, me for business and her for information highway driving and shopping, I asked her the next question in November of that year:

“How would you like your own laptop?”           
“No, Just get me those things that do the Internet only.”

So, naturally, I got her a laptop.

Since that day, she has slowly learned the computer, and now has taken the lead and has found a new frontier in which to boss me around! The other morning we were going to purchase theatre tickets on the Internet, and she decided to take charge! She made her decisions on the laptop and forwarded them to my main computer to print them out, leading me by the nose through the process of getting her email and following the steps she dictated.

Today, she stands a giant in the computer world, able to whiz through cyberspace, clicking and clacking through as her fingers dance through the keyboard, zipping windows and downloading and forwarding.

She reigns now as she does in the circulars, as she does in the banking world and motherhood, and boss of DelBloggolo-SUPREME!

All bow and hail.

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