Tuesday, March 05, 2013


He sat quietly next to me in Mr. Ahn’s design class, quietly paying attention to the young lady sitting in front of me. Mr. Ahn, our instructor was covering the coming year and what we could expect to study as future designers. After checking out the young lady, Phil, as we all got to know him as, started up a conversation that took us into the future forever more. Those first words spoken between us were the beginning of a friendship that has lasted for 48 years!
There are few people in this world I would give the title ‘Best Friend” to. There was Dad who did his best to help me get through college however he could, there is my older sister Tess, (much older), unselfish and giving, let alone caring, and of course there is Phil, Phil is my brother, my best friend, the guy that always is there for me and I give him the same treatment.

I remember when my son died, and I walked slowly into the funeral parlor, and as I looked across the parking lot in a daze that first time entering the main door, I could see Phil, stepping out of his car. To me that was a great comfort, it was another family member who came to help me get through the worst nightmare a parent can have. He didn’t need to say anything, his being there for me and Ellen said it all.

When Dad was dying it was Phil who came out and sat with me next to Dad, and Dad was happy for those few moments Phil was there. Every day before Mother’s Day, my mother receives a greeting card from Phil, and every phone call from Phil comes with a: “How’s your mom?”

I’m sure we all have friends like Phil, best friends that is, but Phil is really a perfect friend. We have shared for almost 50 years pain, sorry, anguish, joy happiness and the greatest occasions ever in our lives. We can measure our lives in periods of time, in events and in smiles and tears, beautiful moments that will never go away for me and hopefully there will be many more.

And so, Happy Birthday Phil, in all your imperfections as a human being, you perfect the art of being a friend, more importantly you do it for nothing, you only gain my friendship and deep love. May you live a long and happy life, and know that for the last 48 years, my life has been a lucky life because I know you.


Laura ESL Teacher said...
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Jim Pantaleno said...

A true friend is worth a thousand acquaintances. You and Phil are lucky to have each other.