Sunday, November 28, 2010


I noticed that people have been going a little insane lately with their horseless carriages! Seems that death is an option to them, so therefore, watch out. As for me, I don’t mind their attitude as long as I can continue to witness the madness, because death is NOT an option I want.

The other day I was next to a left hand turn only lane, and the damned fool raced out and cut me off! I yelled to him that his father is unknown. (Maybe not so nicely said as that!)

I was on the LIE when this young lady in an SUV wedged her way in front of me, never thinking that maybe I was too close.

Then there was the meathead who jumps in front of me without a signal. He also has a questionable parenthood from what I can gather.

The problem I see is all the offenders were young. Fast or big cars and daredevil attitudes prevailed, when young people get in cars. I feel this younger generation is very “me first” with its attitude.

Then I get behind the older people, they sit at a light, and forget which color means: “MOVE YOU OLD GOAT!!!”

I am getting very testy in my old age when it comes to driving!

Then there are the women with the cell phones in their ears, when they know it is against the law to use them while driving. I even see men of all ages doing it too, and the worst are the craftsmen!

As I get older, even though I am complaining about all this, I actually am calmer and now realize people will do stupid things, so be careful!

With that I hope you are all careful and drive safely, because I love you all! And try to stay away from Kamikaze Blvd. or the L.I.E.!

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