Friday, October 05, 2012


It seems the closer we get to the election, the more vocal we become, the more passionate our arguments in the social media, the radio and TV and in our daily discourse.

I’ve listened to both sides and read also what they have to say, and frankly think neither one deserves to be elected. Romney likes to tell me things in a general sense, like I have to stay tuned to find out what it is he will do and how it will happen, only if I vote for him. He will make promises that I don’t know how he will pay for, execute and know for sure he has an answer to.

Obama has already made his promises and failed to deliver anything of substance that is agreeably helping this economy or the foreign stage. He wants to “continue” what he has started and frankly that scares me even more. Flowery eloquence doesn’t create jobs or put people back to work. Maybe we do need change now!

I see people who hate the Liberals and hate the Conservatives and find it distressing they don’t cede points and think. There are times when I’m a liberal and times when I’m a conservative. No man running today will agree whole-heartedly with me because I make up my own mind on issues. I am independent and have always been that way, but yet people have assumed I am one way or another.

I truly believe there is no one in this country that can honestly say they are for a philosophy, 100%. How could you be? With the changes in this society at a daily basis, the way the economy fluctuates and the pressing need of the hungry, homeless and existing poor, how can you want to deny anyone happiness. Because you may have a Liberal feel for the economy, is the foreign policy not important too? Can we actually agree 100% with both foreign and domestic issues and put ourselves squarely in one camp or another?

But then we have these wild spenders in Congress with fat salaries that will take my money and waste it. Large expenditures on weapon systems that we don’t need, encouraging people to go on government subsidies to pay for their lives, and not feel the shame of it all when they can help themselves. Not all poor need help, some need kicks in their collective asses to get out and do something for themselves.

Then there is blame for the conditions of today. I don’t give a rat’s ass for who is to blame, I do care about who is going to fix it! That is important, that is what we should be screaming about. If we could demonstrate as the electorate that presenting the issues clearly and precisely, without rancor or finger pointing will get you elected, most of the problems in this country could be fixed. Why, because the idiots in Congress across the aisle from each other and the White House would learn to compromise and work out solutions. That would be a novelty!

So I’m no Democrat, no Republican, neither Liberal nor Conservative, I am concerned. I look at recent history and I wonder if the two party system has really served democracy well. If we embrace an ideology that is rigid and not flexible, we are dictating to each other that leave no room to listen because the din is so loud.

1 comment:

Jim Pantaleno said...

Your points are well taken Joe. The art of listening is generally a lost one, and listening to the "political opposition" is even more impossible over the screaming and rage. Too bad Italy is in such an economic mess or I'd move there. Their politics are even worse than ours, but who cares when surrounded by such beauty.