Friday, October 26, 2012


I was visiting my brother-in-law recently when couple came over whom I’ve known for years it seems. They like me were young once, and something happened, life played a dirty trick on us, we got old!

Looking at them, I realized that the time is fleeting and I better hurry up if I am to become President of the USA, Pope and the leading man in a Nicole Kidman movie!

All dreams die, even the fulfilled ones, and we embrace our memories. I remember this couple when I older sister Tessie (Much older) started working for the Phone Company many years ago before she married my brother-in-law. The couple: two really nice people I consider friends. He and I commuted to the city at one point in the early 70’s and he is very friendly and talkative, she is probably one of the sweetest ladies I know. She is a very stately looking woman with white hair that just seems to complement this wonderfully pleasant face.

It got me to thinking of all those old days, days that seemed to fly by on me, days I feel I never stopped to savor or embrace. It was the days of growing up in a career, meeting new people and trying to build a dream, days that made me very happy, but were taken for granted.

You know, I look back and realize we didn’t have a whole lot, just each other and one by one our children, and as day by day was spent, it got better and better. I see these two faces and suddenly I am back in time, hearing the voices and smelling the smells and viewing the sights. People who long ago passed, are suddenly very much alive,

Then I return home to a silence and remember these people once again, their voices echoing in my mind, and I can almost talk to them, feel them next to me, their aura in my heart and soul. Getting old can be hard on one, yet I remember with a smile, and a special place and thing or person.

Just like old times!

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