Tuesday, October 09, 2012


It never fails; it just gets more interesting, every year.

TLW owns the remote in my house. After 8:00 pm whatever she wants to watch she can, and does. But sometimes things don’t always work out, sometimes I have to roll with the punches, or should I say the channel changing.

Having a death-grip on the steering wheel is usually what happens when you teach someone to drive, and it is the first habit I tried to break my sons of when they learned. I think they got that from TLW (The Little Woman), who happens to still employ that on the remote control.

Now she is very kind and will ask if there is anything I want to watch before she makes a selection, then if there isn’t, she starts to go through the channels on the channel guide until she hits something she likes. Usually she lands on CSI, or some murder/forensic caper that she seems to favor. This of course worries me as too many times it’s about a husband who gets his. Sleeping with one eye open is a damper on my sleep, as is wishing for a canary or monkey to test my food before I eat it. Be that as it may be, I have to deal with something else now.

As she spins through the TV guide, she has at times fallen asleep in the midst of her TV show selections and that is where the problems start.

The other night, as she took title to the remote once again, I went on my laptop to write and really wasn’t paying attention to what she was doing. On occasion I would glance up and see soccer game on, with Spanish announcers, but didn’t think anything of it, although TLW is NOT a sports fan. As the evening worn on, the game went on. Suddenly I hear:


Carumba, what was that? I thought.

I look over at TLW and she is fast asleep, holding onto the remote tightly, and I decided to go to bed and read. I get up to the bedroom when she trails up behind me, looking sleepy.

“So, who won?”

There was no need to go on, the death look was staring me in the face, near the mid-night hour, I definitely slept with one eye open.

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