Thursday, October 25, 2012


Well after not having #1 Son around anymore, and it has been a long time, I look forward to seeing him again. I’m happy that he is successful in his life, marrying a wonderful gal, and he has a great job, but I do miss the Anthony we raised in Holbrook all his young life.

All around me are pleasant reminders of days gone by, times we spent together and things we did. Many of the things we did I wish I could have done better, but I tried as best I could in my then state of mind and affairs.

I am looking forward to having a few sports talks with the kid, maybe air out some opinions and ask for some. Life will be good, I won’t complain, and gee, it will be good to see him again.

Although we live in different worlds now, I like to think that he is who he is because he listened to his mother and followed her examples. But we could take credit and say we are responsible, but I know that is not the case, he was responsible. He was too busy trying to please us, and never thought to please himself and so now he gets what he deserves, and I am very happy for him.

He’s been a great brother to both his brothers and his sister, and always cared about them. His life was simple, work hard and watch the Mets and Jets because his father saddled him with them.

I see the show on TV and I read some of his Facebook posts and I laugh out loud. TLW (The Little Woman) relates stories about him when he was young and I laugh out loud. He seems to have a unique sense of humor and it seems like everyone is happy to see him. I never hear: “OH NO!” when HE shows up!

I don’t think we will see much of him during the day, but we look forward to seeing them both at night. TLC (The Lovely Courtney) is no slouch in humor, having an incredible sense of it, and probably they spend their time in many happy moments. TLW and me had a wonderful few days with TLC when she planned her wedding, and made us both feel very comfortable being with her for the first time without Anthony around in Maine and New Hampshire back in March of 2011.

So we will go out there, TLW and I: first to see them, then to see their new home, and thirdly to relax that our child is happy in every sense of the word.

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