Saturday, August 23, 2014


She's cool

What overheated does!
In my home you belong to one of two camps, the heated or the unheated. Me, I’m of the heated persuasion, while TLW (The Little Woman) is of the unheated kind.

This means that there is potential for marital conflict on the smallest scale possible, use the AC or don’t use the AC. Sleep with a quilt or don’t sleep with a quilt, use the fan or not.

So once the temperature reaches 62 degrees Fahrenheit, I start to overheat like a Latin lover, while TLW still has a red nose from 61 degrees. As I open my shirt she is putting on a blanket, which makes me even warmer, to the point that I think I will suffocate. As the night wears on, I wear off, taking socks and shirt off and still I’m dying while she is putting on more layers of suffocation.

The other night I was into opening up my shirt while watching the TV, when TLW enters the room, shuts the fan off and closes the sliding door to the patio, a source of fresh air. She then decides to sit in her chair and grab a blanket, while I am now starting to panic, but settle down enough to wipe my brow of the running brook that emanates from my forehead. After a while she decides to go to bed and hands me the remote, which I take as she saunters upstairs, and as she passes, I try to see what good the remote really is to me, so I aim it at her to she if she will shut off while I cool down. Well to my great chagrin, instead of hitting the TV button, I hit the cable button, where she turned into a full hour of more blankets!

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