Thursday, September 26, 2019


I went yesterday to the movies to see Downton Abbey, the TV series produced by BBC and reconstituted into a movie. The production was great and I enjoyed every moment of it. As far as Maggie Smith goes, she had the best lines and was superb in her art, or craft, or just being there.

I would recommend this movie if you enjoyed the series, like something other than car chases or loud booms. The cinematography was superb with a breathtaking shot of the castle and the art direction was right on the money. Everything was in place for an award-winning presentation.

One of the things the movie pointed out I thought was how much the world has changed since the 1920s. The clothing, vehicle, and norms of society have all been affected so radically that it looks like we are on another planet. Politics and cell phones best describe today, in the 1920s conversation and writing letters was the norm and NOT the exception. As the family sat around the dinner table the air was filled with questions, opinions and sometimes sarcasm and anger, leading one t to believe that life was indeed alive and well. Today it seems to be life is a lit face with two hands that cradle a piece of plastic.

TOMORROW: Not just the world is changing, it is less romantic.

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