Monday, January 27, 2020


Reunited survivors of the Holocaust in the Post-World War II
It is about the blackest time in human history. I see the film clips of the innocent being led away by the savage concepts of Fascism and I want to cry. I get sicker every day I hear of the uptick in anti-Semitism and can't fathom why. My heart breaks for the souls that did nothing to anyone and perhaps were giving so much more than their tormentors were at the time.

If you think about Ann Frank and her detailed diary, of her story of fear for a young woman and how the diary gave light to the world in such tragic and horrific moments, it did more for mankind than her tormentors ever could.

How many doctors and nurses, clergy, how many fathers and mothers and children were taken away from this horrid world by the beast of Fascism? Why, because of old archaic beliefs that dominated mankind’s thoughts and prevailed over truth?

Who has paid for this insanity against humankind? We all have. We have lost the love that could have been, we have lost the laughter that could have been, we have lost the medical and artistic help that should have been, we have lost a bit of our humanity.

Today, the curse is still real, the hatred has increased the last three years as self-anointed, weak-minded people take up a thought process that defies reason and tries to harm or kill the innocents once again.

We must NEVER forget this horrible history and remind ourselves that ill-founded philosophy perpetrated by the weak-minded and uninformed should never prevail again. God bless them all who perish and are still threatened.

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