Monday, February 07, 2011


Each evening starts off with a simple question emanating from either TLW (The Little Woman) or me: “How’s your day?” as she sits down for dinner.

After I say; “Quiet” TLW then begins to tell me about hers. Often as I listen it brings me back to my marriage vows. Those vows include my promising to: Love, honor and listen. The last one is pretty regular in occurrence.

Recently she attended what she calls a town meeting, held by the Wanna-Be-Bank and Truss Company, and conducted by the big Daddy of the wanna-be bank. The idea of these meetings is to update the employees of the grand plans of the wanna-be bank, and what lies in store for the employees.

One of the things discussed is the new building that was recently purchased, and the departure of the existing building. Going into great detail, she begins to describe to me in detail all that I do not want to know, including footage, furniture and who was late for work that morning.

Being a good and dutiful husband, I endure this bombardment of info, because I know it will help me to sleep well, and fall asleep quicker. But the question keeps coming up for both of us: Do I really care?

As she raises the question: “Do you really care?” and as I wonder: “Do I really care” a certain feeling of guilt overcomes me, and as a good and dutiful husband, I do what I should do…

I reach for a piece of chocolate and go up to my office to cry.

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