Saturday, February 19, 2011


Yes, I am indeed blessed! I have such wonderful friends, that recently I went to a lunch get-together, and was given a picture of one of my favorite people and me. The lady you see is Sister Tanj-Gerina, a former classmate from high school, now from the Sisters of Mano a Mano from the upper east side of Palermo. (See October 28, 2010 blogue)

Indeed, Sister Tanj-Gerina, is like all my high school buddies that I have resurrected a friendship with in the past year and a half, the kind you can trust, always behind you if you need a friend, and although she talks with her hands a lot, I shun a helmet.

But just by looking at the photo, you can see how mature all my friends are. Indeed, we never do anything behind each other’s back, no sireee, not a thing. It gives me a “warm fuzzy feeling” (a direct quote from one of my trustworthy friends), knowing they are all behind me.

OK, don’t think for a moment I don’t know what’s going on behind me, I’m just grateful she is holding up two fingers instead of that one!

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