Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Today was pickup day, the day we get the new car. TLW (The Little Woman) and I go down to the Toyota dealership and sign the papers, get the keys and drive off to our home. As we are driving we come to a light and it is backed up with a lot of rush hour traffic, maybe fifteen cars ahead of us. I suggest we turn at the next right and she does, and I see a parking lot that extends to the road we wished to get to after the backed traffic light. I suggest we turn into the parking lot and cut over to the road.

No good!

Nuh, Uh!

TLW will not hear of it. We must stay within the confines of the law.

Suddenly my criminal mind tries to convince the religious teacher of little second graders that it is OK to do so. After all, there are no cops watching, and if there were, they would let us do it.

Logic time has now come!

TLW: “If a tree falls in the forest, and there is no one around, does it make a sound?”

Me: “Yes it makes a sound, the physics are still there for sound to be made, even if no one can hear the sound,” (Pretty good, no?)

TLW: “So what you are saying is that the police are ok with breaking the law?”

Me: “No, I’m saying the sound is made no matter what, all the physics of the laws of sound to be made are present. The cops are ok with breaking the law, providing no civilians or higher-ups are around for a payoff.”

Needless to say, we went the legal long way with no cops anywhere to be found.

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