Monday, June 18, 2007


It was a bright sunny beautiful day in mid June of 1971, the church was filled with family and friends, and the Priest was in the middle of his sacred duty of marrying off a innocent bachelor and TLW (The Little Woman), when it came time for the most holy of holiest events a Catholic can be part of.

The organ perched high above the rear of the old church called St. Mary’s was playing out softly, and the singer sang with solemnity and clearness, of things of everlasting faith and beauty, of love of God and each other.

Stain glass windows in multi-colored patterns surrounded the congregation for this happy and blessed event, light from the sun dancing and twinkling throughout filling both Catholic and Non-Catholic alike with a newfound spiritualism coming deep from the inner self. The many candles that surrounded this place of worship flickered their little lights in approval of this Holy Union.

Rounding the alter, Father Smith carrying his golden chalice and visited upon the radiant Bride and subdued Groom to administer the sacred sacrament of Holy Communion, with a solemnity that fit the occasion. “Body of Christ” whispered the Priest, “Amen” a hundred times over did he hear, serving to all and I mean all who were in his range.

Bridal Parties are sometimes strictly Catholic, sometimes diverse as in this wedding. The wedding party had Protestants and Jewish participants, who happened to be best friends of the principles.

As Father Smith finished with the Bride and Groom he went to the Best Man, a Jew, and as he did; Phil the Jew, my best friend, almost my brother, surprised by the speed of which the good father approached him opened his mouth in shock! The big gaping hole was soon filled with Christianity, as the Priest slipped one white wafer into an original Catholic’s mouth! You see he should have received that day, even though he was born a Jew, and will die a Jew, because all of us in the church are descendants of Jews for the most part. And if I’m not mistaken, that poor fellow that was nailed upon the cross that we all

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