Sunday, June 03, 2007


There is nothing worst than when previous history catches up with me. Today the phone rang and not knowing any better, I answered it. It was TLW (The Little Woman) calling from work.

Me: “Hello?”
TLW: “Hi Joe, it’s me.”
Me: “Yes Dear.”
TLW: Can you do me a favor?”
Me: “What?” (Fear creeping up my spinal cavity.)
TLW: “I think you can handle it" said apprehensively.
Me; ????
TLW: “could you take the wash out of the washing machine and put it in the dryer? All you have to do is load the dryer, pull the lint filter up, take out the lint and stick the filter back in. Then go to US Nuclear settings on the dial on you left, go to the red arrow (danger) and turn the knob to high-risk explosives and push the button on your right. Or do you want to wait for me to come home to do it myself?”
Me: “Oh, no problem.” (Hah)
TLW: “If you plan on going out, don’t do it, I don’t like to leave the dryer running when I’m not there, in case of a fire.” (She really means in case I screw it up and there is an explosion and no one is around to save the house and dog because of the dryer being gas.”

Of course she knows something, must be when I last screwed up, and she is trying her best to build confidence in me again.

I did it! Yes, no big deal, no loose change anywhere, but I did it! If you would like to know how I did it, just visit me. Hospital hours are 10:00AM to 12 Noon and 4PM to 8:30 at night.

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