Friday, June 01, 2007


You must have read the startling news that scientist have not only communicated with monkeys, they have spoken to them.

Well surprise, surprise, I’ve been speaking with monkeys most of my life! Yes, that is a fact. Just a few years ago I hired a monkey to put in a pool, one to put in the surrounding deck, and yet another to care for my lawn! It seems none of them could come down out of their tree long enough to do the job right! I believe in fostering monkeys and monkey business, but they ARE ridicules.

Business monkeys are not the only ones that I’ve met, some are teenagers, that when they communicate will use gurgling kinds of sounds when calling for #2 Son. “EEEhhhh, Iss Mike dere? Some of these monkeys will use other sources of communication, like the one that needed my attention one night as he flipped on and off repeatedly the light switch in the dinning room. Some of these monkeys will ape famous people in history like the one that walks with a hood over his head and bends at the neck as he slitters around like Rasputin in the shadows.

Naturally I don’t mean to demean monkeys after all, you might know one or two yourself that you are fond of as I am. There are the ones that drive without thinking, the ones that park in two spaces or the ones that need handicapped parking because they are monkeys, and feel they should be handicapped too.

Of course I’ve also voted for numerous monkeys in both party affiliations and sometimes see them playing professional sports and wonder: “How much are these monkeys making?”

And the biggest monkey of all, was me at the last neighborhood get together.

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