Monday, October 26, 2009



This past weekend, I had the pleasure of watching a presentation that has left me inspired, and convinced that there is good in this world if we only seek it.

At the NYSARC, Inc. convention in Albany NY, I witnessed a work of greatness, one which makes all that I do have some hope for a better tomorrow. It seems that people with Downs Syndrome are as capable as anyone in this world. That the arts in particular are a noble form of expression, and that if we can use the arts, we can better anyone’s life.

There is an organization called: ‘Sprout’. It is dedicated to filmmaking that does many things, but the most important one being: lifting the human spirit, and destroying the prejudices that we seem to harbor. “Prejudice is the worst syndrome”

The Executive Director: Anthony Di Salvo took his audience on a tour of his work, a great masterpiece of filmmaking. A man that has sacrificed a lot of potential earnings with his talent, and unselfishly made films that truly benefit: mankind. So, his time wasn’t wasted, but well spent.

Yes, it is about developmental disabilities, but I promise you, it will be memorable. They are all thought provoking and enjoyable, and just viewing them will enrich you.

It is about people that live and die just like you and me. It is about people who can express themselves on canvas, on paper, and on film, just like you and me. They can portray themselves, and they can portray others. They are serious actors and they more importantly, teach us all lessons on life, love, determination and triumph.

Thank you Anthony Di Salvo! And thank you actors, screenwriters, directors and those that support this great work.

1 comment:

Fran said...

The you tube video was so touching. Thanks for passing that along. It made me think what amazingly good sense these two people with so called disabilities made. I loved their perspectives on relationships and no one being perfect.