So I must say: “Goodbye” to 2009, and hope that the world is in better shape in 2010. I know that a lot of good has come from this year, and a lot of not so good. I will concentrate on the good, and not lose sight of the not so good.
This year brought me back to my teens, my years in high school, and the wonderful classmates I had. Many are out there prospering, with grandchildren, careers and retirement. Some of us had tragedies, loses of spouses and children through the years and lose of ourselves. But the spirit lives on. Good for them.
It was a year of challenge for me, creating a presentation while on the fly, a last minute creation for my daughter’s agency, for their big fundraiser. Thanks to all the people who helped, it was a success! Maybe an overwhelming success, because of them.
2009, was a reconnect with the church in that I am back to organizing and helping it make funds for survival. That takes me back to the “Confrateens” and organization I was asked to organize and run in my teens. We had dances, and our biggest was the “Battle of the Bands. I invited three bands to come to St. Joseph the Worker Church and play: it was a great success!
Then there is my family. My family is large, it consists of TLW (The Little Woman), my daughter Ellen, my boys #’s 1 and 2, and my Mom, sisters and in-laws, and all my nieces and nephews. All these wonderful people ARE my family, and I am proud of them. There is no amount of money I can place to give you an idea of their value to me. There is no measurement that can give it justice.
Then there are all the new friends I’ve made, and some of the old friends. There is Corrine and Doug, from the Wanna-Be-Bank and Truss Co., there is The Whinery, Laura, who has a great outlook on what is important in life, and who has a great blog I follow: http://lbeeler.blogspot.com/ a great read, and her old man Jim: http://spaldeendreams.blogspot.com/. Of course I have to mention Pat and Bill, and Seth and JoEllen, and Lois, (Toots II), all products from the Wanna-Be-Bank and Truss Co.
But one friend I must mention: is YOU! Thank you for reading. It makes me happy to write this blogue everyday, and when I get a comment, it raises my spirits to a new level. I love hearing from you all, as I write for you all, or as my buddy in Texas, Martha says: Y’all.
So, Y’ALL have a great new year. Make it safe, fun, joyous and profitable both in love and money. THAT I wish for you, and I hope you get it.