Not even God is that rich! Who? My plumber! He owns a boat, and his clothing is all coordinated. He has a sweatshirt with his logo on it, complete with logotype. When he peeled it off because he was too hot, he has a t-shirt under that with the same graphics. I imagine the underwear is the same.
He has an assistant, who I’m sure is tattooed with the logo on his tuckis, and his tools must be all marked with it too.
He speaks about his boat, what he is spending on it, how his wife wants it re-decorated, along with the house, and the truck he drives is not too shabby either.

His cell phone is constantly ringing, drawing him away from his assistant, who is doing all the work, while he fields calls from his brokers.
He wrote out the bill, taking another break to up the reservations to first class on his flight with his travel agent. (His original estimate was a little low.)
Meanwhile my dog is growling, she is a great watchdog, but what good does it do if I let in all the crooks?
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