After an evening of Christmas Eve fish, and Christmas Day dinner, it is hard to imagine that there is New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day dinner to face.
I personally am not planning to eat again until my high school reunion, in May. The reunion will see me eat just a little bit. Well, maybe a little bit, and then maybe just to live, nothing else.
Desserts will not be eaten at all, just a little salad and a small sampling of the main course. What, you don’t think so? Well, maybe you are right, but it sure feels like it right now, the morning after Christmas Day.
I must say, there are too many great cooks in the family, and they all sprout their stuff! But let’s face it, I need to get back to my boyish figure, sleek and svelte, as you all know me. TLW (The Little Woman) has a prime rib ready for New Year’s Day, and for New Year’s Eve, it will be at a party in the hood. Chinese food will be the fare at the party, so I may taste a little there, but not much. Maybe that General Tsao’s chicken I love so much, perhaps some dumplings and wanton soup, with some noodles in it, but not too much. Of course since TLW is going to all that trouble of cooking New Year’s Day,I’ll make another exception, for her sake.
Well, I best be going, all this talk of food is making me hungry! I wonder if there is any leftover’s in the frig?
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