I would watch few movies, more than once. However, every now and then, especially at Christmas time, I break the rules more than once. One is a British version made back in 1951 called 'A Christmas Carol'. It is THE classic, and I enjoy it like I first saw it. It was read to me as a novel, before Disney took ownership of it as its own. It was by Charles Dickens’ magical pen that made my Christmas every year!
Then there is another, more recent film that I love, it is every boy’s life who grew up in the 1940’s and 1950’s. My good buddy from Brooklyn, Jim wrote on his blog: http://spaldeendreams.blogspot.com/ a great remembrance of the movie. ‘A Christmas Story’ had the audacity to mimic in its title ‘A Christmas Carol’ and succeeded in rising to the level. ‘A Christmas Story’ is truly a classic, one that we discovered by someone else’s generosity, namely my SS-I-L (My Sicilian Sister-in-law) Angela. Angela sent it to us one Christmas on a VCR tape, and we love it, both TLW (The Little Woman) and myself, not to mention #1 Son.
Speaking of which, was very much part of the Christmas tradition in my house. Every Christmas morning, when he was a young gun, in his pj’s and robe, #1 Son would anxiously wait for his sister Ellen to open her presents so he could be next. His long brownish blond hair over his eyes, his face lit brighter than the tree, he tore into each present, and never was disappointed. At least he never showed it. Before he would open each package, I would announce that it was a ‘Betsy Wetsey doll’ and act surprise when he opened the package. This still goes on. Then I would get up and get TLW (The Little Woman) her present. Sitting on edge, I would wait for her reaction as she
opened the gift. Spending all I had on her and our kids was a gift enough for me. Seeing their happy faces and their surprised looks, made for a special day. TLW always made the morning special, to me. Her elegant approach to life makes happy and wonderful moments to remember. They compete with my remembrance of Christmas as a child.
#2 Son had a laid-back reaction to Christmas morning. He would be very excited, yet business-like in his demeanor, methodically ripping off the paper, tossing it, and digging in to create a racket that filled the air. It was Christmas!
Then, after all that activity, we would all retreat to the breakfast table and eat TLW’s delicious walnut bread, toasted and buttered. Life is good!
Thanks Joe, always nice to make a guest appearance in DelBloggolo. Every generation has its special Christmas memories. Hopefully that will continue despite the efforts of the P.C. to turn it into some kind of generic shopping holiday. MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your faithful readers.
Same to you my friend!
I love both those movies. Wouldn't be Christmas without them!
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