No it doesn’t! The wind is so biting, it left teeth marks on my face, (A face only a mother could love), the cold penetrated by double layer sweat shirts and coat, causing me to not want to move!
The labor was hard, and punishing. The driveway was piled high with snow, and the wind pushed it evenly around the openness of the front yard. I couldn’t find gloves from last year, as I went inside after surveying the situation. Entering the garage, I took out the power snow shovel, trying not to move too quickly, because the chill worked my boyish figure, leaving a chill.
As I opened the garage door, I was greeted with a wall of snow, about two feet high! I sighed and prepared for the worst. #2 Son was busy shoveling a losing battle, and I felt bad for him that the brunt of the work was falling on him.
Suddenly, in my despair, I look up, and there stands MMB Jr. (My Man Bill, Junior), a big snow blower, and a bigger smile on his face! The Marines, Cavalry, have landed! God bless America!
Like his old man used to do, he made quick work of the situation, relieving a lot of anxiety and hard work. No one asked him to do it, he just went on a mission of kindness, and all I could see and feel once again was MMB.
Bill, I know you are up there, where you belong. It’s a shame you left so soon, but at least you are home, and you gave a great gift to your son, yourself.
Thanks and Merry Christmas up there.
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