The crowded dance floor was stilled as the announcement was made, “SANTA IS HERE!” The crowd of adults erupted in loud applause, as Santa stepped out from behind a closet door. Waving and HO-HO-HOING, he made his way throught the 400 or so developmentally disabled adults, all who seemed intent on shaking his hand, hugging and holding him. It was indeed a warm crowd.
The boy scouts circulated the floor, handing out sandwiches and drinks, and young teenage girls volunteered their time as well.
Santa finally made it to his destination across the dance floor, and sat in his chair, awaiting the first of his admirers. As the evening wore on, the music getting louder, and the crowd more excited, Santa was getting tired, it seemed the line would never end. The greeting was sincere and happy, but the body was getting worn out!
“Did I tell you what I want for Christmas Santa?” “Hey Santa, how ya doin?” “Santa, take our picture together, he’s my man!” And so the evening went.
Finally the last of the dancers had their picture taken, and Santa was ready to leave. As he did, an announcement was made: “Say goodnight to Santa.” The crowd of adoring admirers pressed against Santa, reaching out, grabbing and holding Santa as he slowly waded through the enthusiastic crowd. As he was near his destination (That closet), one young lady had a death grip on Santa. “Don’t leave Santa!” she cried. Santa stopped and spoke with her. “Santa has to leave.” “WHY?” “I better go, Dancer and Donner and Blitzen and Splitzen and Zitzen are all on the roof right now, pooping, I have to clean up the mess!” “EWWW, you better leave Santa!”
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