The Mass was finished, and as I walked with TLW (The Little Woman) out the door, the pastor stood shaking hands and greeting people as they exited. My mind was on my breakfast (1 cannoli) and wanted to just slip out and go eat (1 cannoli), and read the papers when I got home.
As I past the pastor (it is kind of hard to get past anything or anyone these days, let alone a pastor to pass) we shake hands, and then he goes from: “Hi” to “Oh, Joe! I need to talk to you!” I figured I was being excommunicated because of my attention span during his sermon, so I could sleep in on Sundays! But, no, it was not to be.
Fr. Dan: “I fired our Fundraising Chair and I need someone to take it over!”
I searched the way across the street, I looked behind me, I even looked up toward heaven, but he would not let go of my handshake.
I looked him straight in the eye and announced: “OK”
So, from being chair of the golf committee, I am suddenly chair the whole fundraising committee! That is a pretty big job, one that makes me nervous to think about.
Raising money for a non-profit organization is a lot of hard work, imagination and dedication. How did I get the job?
Turns out someone who knows me told the priest all about my past-history: in the fund raising field. As he said: “Michele praised you to the high heavens!”
Being off guard I said that I would have to pay her off for that, and he said:
“I would wait to see how things go for you, before you do that!”
That's what you get for being competent Joe, more work! I'm sure you'll do a great job.
Yes how does that work anyway? "You did a great job! Just to show our appreciation here's a ton more work for you!"
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