Back in August, #2 Son packed up and left for SUNY @ Purchase, a young adult, yet came home a young man. He shed his childish life, for the seriousness of the life that lies before him. He is utilizing all his gifts, and there is great promise in his future.
It is gratifying to know that all things being equal, our baby is now a man. He has found that on his own, and is striving to accomplish great things, which he will. He has a determination I never knew existed, and along with the smarts that he does show, is combining them and making me along with TLW (The Little Woman), very proud.
When I see my sons in that light, I think maybe the world is not so bad after all, and will be in great shape in the future.
People have commented from Facebook photos of me, that I look like I had a great Thanksgiving. Well, I did, because my #2 Son made it so. We had intelligent and thought provoking conversations, pleasant meals and great visits, which made for a great Thanksgiving holiday. I am thankful for my two sons: they will contribute to this world in positive way!
I think I am not alone in how I feel about my children. I see it from parents that are helping with the reunion, pictures of them with their kids, and grandkids, and it makes me feel good. It is echoed from board members, I see it in my sister’s children, my nieces and nephews, the great nieces and nephews and I am proud. Can we ask for anything more than great kids?
I occasionally communicate with a newly acquired old neighbor from Brooklyn, and his wonderful daughter, who by the way is NO whiner, but has the heart of gold we all need in this world.
So maybe I rant too much sometimes, and maybe I complain to often, but I know there are some really great people in this world, coming down the pike and those that already arrived.
1 comment:
Well, now, if it is to me you are referring, thank you very much! And i wine plenty...(Oh I mean whine). ;)
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