For years growing up, there was a dispute as to whose child I was. Dad wouldn’t admit to it, blamed Mom, who in turn got angry at Dad because as Dad said: “Your son even looks like you!”
Mom at times tried to beat it out of me, but I would still wind up looking like her! As I got older, she started saying I looked just like her father when he was young. “Oh, you look just like my father” she would say. “Same curly hair, and he looked just like James Cagney! He was a real ladies man, loved to dance.” Then one day: “You are just like your father! Don’t get so funny. I hope you have a child just like you!”
Today I relive those days of yesteryear: TLW (The Little Woman) now has taken a stance. They are HER children, according to me. I said they take after her. But let’s face it, they do. They are too mannerly, too serious, and don’t speak with their hands. My daughter gets like me, she will be very loud, loves to laugh, and can become very physical, showing emotion, both verbally and physically.
Diplomacy is TLW’s strong suit, except when we are alone. Then I get it with both barrels! Her humor is very dry, cutting, and fun. I don’t mind getting insulted from her, because there may be some truth in her humor, and besides, if I can’t laugh at myself, I can’t laugh at anyone else.
My sons like to poke fun at me. #1 Son has been doing it everyday of his life, even when I’m not around! “2 Son gets emails from #1 Son on how to deal with me. I think the emails has caused #2 Son’s computer to crash numerous times from the memory the emails eat up! Both swear they take after my wife, don’t think they are related to me, and prefer the word adoption.
Me: “Why I remember when you were a little kid…”
Son #1 or 2: “That was before the adoption, right Dad?”
Maybe I should have adopted.
My real Dad would have never said those things about me.
-#1 Son
How do we know? He won't come forward!
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