I can’t remember how many times, my doctor, Dr. Hauer, has worked to keep me alive. He even had a hand in saving my life by sending me to a cardiologist. Dr. Farr, my cardiologist, I think of what he did for me to keep me alive. There is Dr, Hoffman, my dentist, who always took the best care of my teeth, and I surely miss him.
There is my best friend and I think of him as a brother: Phil. When our children were ill or one of them had died, we were always there for each other. We keep in touch, even though he lives on Staten Island and I live on Long Island.
I have other friends somewhat like Phil that fit in a category. There are board members like my buddy Ken Walker, compassionate, dedicated to good works, and a peaceful good man.
There are countless other doctors, teachers, and policemen, soldiers and nurses, neighbors, all doing only wonderful, good things with their lives, helping others. They seek what I seek, peace and the ability to honor my God, as I see fit, without discrimination or fear.
All I mention happen to be Jewish, not necessarily practicing Jews, but they are Jewish. They laugh, and cause me to laugh, they sing and dance, and can make me sing and dance. I can’t imagine impeding their ability and right to live and worship in this country.
Lately there seems to be a rash of anti-Semitism. It has occurred right in my own community, and it sickens me. I know the culprits are young, but they learn it from somewhere, someone, somehow. It is right up there with the heroin epidemic that is sweeping the Island. They have been targets for years and years. Centuries of bigotry, hate, discrimination and are the usual scapegoats for others failures. Yet, they are the ones that rose above the rancor, stand tall as humanitarians, and continue to exude the so-called Christian spirit.
It is funny, if we are to desecrate religions, maybe we should be desecrating our own, the outgrowth of Judaism for the most part, and in particular, the biggest Jew of them all, Jesus. Is it not Judeo-Christian values we follow? Is not the Old Testament that predates the New Testament?
As I say often to myself, would I question a man’s religion, color or politics if my life were in his hands?
Let’s stop the madness. Let’s get real. None of us is better suited in this life than anyone else. We all live and die. This is the season of both Hanukah and Christmas. Peace!
I love this post. I also wouldn't question a man's, race, color or politics even if my life WASN'T in his hands. In other words, I wouldn't question a man's color, regardless of what he does for a living.
Well done, Del Bloggolo
#1 Son
Good post is right!
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