Tuesday, December 12, 2017


The ‘Holiday' dance was scheduled for 7:00 PM, and as Santa I was getting ready in the supply room, dressing in a red coat, pants, and accessories. It means donning a white beard and wig. The clock now read 6:56 PM, soon it would be show-time!

Dressing, everything was going very well, outside, the scores of participants, people with disabilities who still believe in Santa were arriving for the dance. The music from the DJ supported the idea that it was the holiday season. It flashed in my mind that if my hearing aid battery were to die now, it would be a major problem replacing it under the disguises I was wearing.

Having put all the costume on, the last item, the red hat with white trim was missing!

6:57 PM and what to do? I am isolated from everyone and can't leave the room at this point, too many people will see! I peek out the door and scan for some help, anyone who could relay my message to Michele, the staff person who is going to take pictures of 300 people and myself as Santa. Scanning, I fixate on a woman who is sitting at a nearby table for help. She does not see me, what am I going to do? I start waving at her, she is scanning the room but of course not seeing me.

"Pssst, Lady." Nothing.
"Pssssst, Lady!" Still nothing!
I start waving and she finally sees me. I summoned her to me with my hand, then my index finger pointing and recoiling over and over again. She looks puzzled and presses her hand on her chest: "Who me???" she goes.
"YES!" I continue gesturing to her and she finally comes closer.
"Could you do me a favor? Could you locate the woman in that room off the side and tell her Santa has no hat?"

I retreat and sure enough, it is 6:59 PM, the DJ will make his announcement at any moment, and the battery dies in my hearing aid! Now I have to worry that the hat lady is notified, while undoing my beard and wig, get the new battery from my clothes under the Santa suit and change the battery, and hope to God the DJ will not do anything to compromise who I am or what Santa really is.

Struggling with the beard and wig while pulling out my wallet to get a new battery, I make the change and get everything back in place, pants, jacket, beard, and wig, just when the door opens and in comes my hat!

"And now ladies and Gentleman, what you all have been waiting for, listen to that sound of bells ringing, it's SANTA!"

Suddenly the room goes quiet, everyone stares at Santa and all bedlam breaks loose! With dozens of participants looking to hug and shake hands, Santa passes the lady that relayed his message and Santa says to her:

"Thank you for helping Santa come out of the closet!"

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