Saturday, December 02, 2017


I listen to TV and read in the newspapers the things that POTUS is tweeting. I have tried to stay as neutral as possible in my criticism of him, but I am now becoming alarmed. This current presidency is by far the worst ever in US History, and it seems to be going even further downhill!

Not voting for him or Hillary Clinton last year, neither of the candidates deserve to be in the White House, or were good candidates to fill the office and I don’t trust either one for their moral integrity nor need to serve the nation well.

Today, a year after the election and almost a 12-months since the inauguration, I feel that POTUS can be counted on for any sense of sanity. How does this man spend his time tweeting about people he has a grudge about rather than focusing on North Korea? Does he not know that the World is in danger of a war? Does he understand what his job is in this case? Someone should explain to him that millions of people are going to die depending on what that Madman in North Korea does and how POTUS reacts.

Why is POTUS destroying the dignity of the office, our good name as Americans and disgracing the office by one of our greatest and staunchest allies thinking of banning him from their shores? He has become the laughing stock of the Free World and an eminent danger to the whole World by his presence in the Oval Office.

He has so far failed at everything he has promised to deliver, people including his own supporters are now questioning his ability and intelligence, he is in a fantasy world of self-aggrandizement, he faces possible impeachment and perhaps criminal charges and has no plan to move forward with.

This idea of tweeting seems somewhat sophomoric for a man in such a high office. I feel like we have a teenage love-struck little girl in office, every time he tweets. I fear that he could slip and reveal something to our enemies with these uncensored tweets that achieve nothing but alienating the general public. And another thing, why is he putting his family in positions that require expertise? Not only is he, but his sons and son-in-law are uqualified

It is time for him to go!

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