Tuesday, February 04, 2020


If you ever need hospital care and happen to be two thousand miles from Port Jefferson, New York, book a flight to Long Island Mac Arthur Airport and hire an Uber to get to St. Charles Hospital in Port Jefferson.

You rate a hospital by how successful it handles its patients' illnesses, how well the surgery goes coupled with the post-operative regime. But there is also one other criterion in which to assess such a place, its staff. But how do you measure the staff of a hospital? You take St. Charles and every staff in the world should have to measure up to it.

I arrive early every morning at about 7:20 AM to visit my daughter Ellen who has been languishing in a Medical Center for quite some while. Every morning I arrive A find something that disturbs me, makes me cranky or downright angry. Forgetting to do things they should know better to do, especially after posting large enough posters in her room on her walls that she needs long-sleeved shirts on at all times, only to find her arm’s pick-line exposed and ready for her to rip it out!

At St. Charles I don’t worry, the staff knows enough to do it without reminders. They take a scientific and humane approach to work with a person with disabilities that is filled with compassion and understanding. They go through great trouble to explain to me what they are doing, what they are planning and when they are done, how things went.

God bless everyone at this place where Heaven starts and love is requisite.

Thank you, Staff, of St. Charles!

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