Thursday, February 13, 2020


As fake as it gets
It’s been a while since the impeachment hoax of Donald J. Trump has concluded by the misguided U.S. Senate Republicans and their accomplice in the White House, the ‘Orange Man’ of the liar, Donald J. Trump.

In this time of the past three years, he has managed to train through intimidation, Lindsey (I’m afraid of him) Graham and the President’s Bitch McConnell, personal lapdog and toad. Of course, you have the cowardice of the Republican House and Senate who have all forfeited their credibility and sincerity. The current Republican congressmen and senators have now constituted the most cowardly group of individuals who have en-mass, violated their oath to the Constitution and took on the false narrative that he did nothing impeachable.

While letting the orange skin fake off the hook, he, in turn, is now free to seek retribution against those who took issue with his actions and the legality of them. The witnesses that appeared before the House impeachment panels did their duty under the oath of allegiance to the Constitution, warning us all of the danger that this poor excuse for a human being and like-wise president.

Breaking the laws were not enough for this man, lying is not enough for this fake, cheating on his wife is a way of life, and the total abandonment of any sense of morality and justice escapes him on a moment-moment basis.

Somehow, I feel this is not the end, that he has not escaped justice, he is only making the case for his supporters at this point that is finally waking up to the fact that he is an abjuration in the chain of humanity.

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