Wednesday, February 26, 2020


I had to go to a medical place for a procedure to see if I am still alive, or should I lie down. It was 7:30 AM when I entered the lab and behind the long desk were two middle-aged ladies. In front of them sat a nameplate with just their first names, Amanda and Katelin.

I went through the procedure and headed off to the hospital where my poor daughter is currently residing. Before dinner, I was speaking to TLW (The Little Woman) and I mentioned the encounter with the two ladies (an assumption on my part, but probably a safe one) and she had the immediate reaction that I had when I first saw these ladies.

“Aren’t they kind of old to have those names?” she asked.

“Funny… that is exactly what I thought!

About 40 years ago, new names were flowering as the old ones became out of fashion. The names such as Kim, Christopher, Amanda and Kaitlyn, Katelin, and Sequilla were becoming the norm. Mary, Joe, and Robert or Paula were no longer recognized as names to call your kid.

The parents felt that their child was going to be different and needed a stage name, not a name to respect past generations. No longer did you name a newborn after a parent or grandparent, but after an idea of what the child’s future would be.

I don’t know if the new names are a bad idea. It notes in a way that the future is tomorrow, and not yesterday. Today as we prepare for tomorrow, we want our kids to have the best tools possible for what will greet them.

Just one question, is creative monikers fashionable?

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