Saturday, January 19, 2008


As usual, TLW (The Little Woman) decided that we needed to climb the mountain once again, and visit this church in the mountains. It was either the Church of the Holy Cross or Holy Mackerel, I forget which.

Once again, we drove up this steep winding road, sans guardrail and inched ever upward until we came to sign that read: “Last potty stop before heaven!” or something like that. There stood a blue portable potty on the side of the road.

After driving with that potty in mind, we came to a parking lot, filled with cars. The day was dark and misty, and the prospects of walking far were great. Parking, we began the final ascent by foot, up a winding trail, with an ankle high fence and a steep drop down to oblivion.

TLW was holding on to #2 Son for dear life, and I was following behind. The climb became steeper and steeper, slowly the wind was seeping out of my lungs, and death was eminent.

Finally, reaching the top of the hill, there stands the church, carved out of the mountainside. A giant cross sitting against the building and descending down the side of the rock! Reverently I approached the building, and upon entering, a sudden wave of piety came over me, being overcome by the sheer end of the climb, and yes, I was still alive!

Of course, after the visit, comes the pictures. To make the day complete with steep drops and skittish Mother, come #2 Son, standing on the edge of the ankle high fence, showing off.

Looking for a legal way to commit murder? Write to:, ask him: “Can you walk backwards to the ankle high fence, eyes closed and be within a quarter of an inch of the edge?

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