Thursday, December 26, 2013


It is now a whole year since he passed. Yet in that year he left a treasure of reminders of who we are and how much life takes on a newer meaning.

We lament the passing, but I would rather celebrate his existence, and remind myself that I would mourn never having met him. He was proud of his name telling us it meant God’s gift, and that his last name meant Gift of God! It was one bill of goods I bought into readily, because he was a gift from God, and I see it now.

On his birthday, which happens to be today, he would buy his family, his wife and kids a present. How many people do we know like that? He was a homebody that made you feel welcomed in his home, and comfortable. We always got along while having petty disagreements, nothing other than sports or things that bore no importance. He was a hero in my eyes and I always respect him for that. He treated his wife my sister very well, with a hominess that said a lot about what was in his heart.
His last vacation

All his grandchildren loved him, as did his son-in-law. All his in-laws loved him because he was one of us, only Polish. He had a great tolerance for teasing: something that is part of the family culture, and Dad relied on him many times. He had great respect for Mom and older people in general: my grandmother always loved him too.

The boardwalk in Cape May, NJ
When he passed and I went to the funeral to deliver a eulogy, he stood out in all the faces in that crowded room, all those people coming together to share the gift of life he gave us as a husband, father, in-law, grandfather and friend. He was born the day after Christmas for a reason, to remind us that being happy on Christmas should be continued over to the next day, and the days to follow.

His favorite people all together
I am glad I knew him most of my life as well as his, and I am grateful for the honor of being with him in the end, up until his last breath, a special gift for me.

He was always there for me
And so, every time I visit my son’s grave, or my father’s, I go to his too, because he was right there in my heart and soul, we had a small bond, and I will never let that go, no matter how long he is gone.

Merry Christmas John, and Happy Birthday, your whole world shares it with you and says: Thank you.

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