Monday, October 23, 2017


Yesterday in Cape May was a glorious day weather-wise. The temperature was in the low 70's and the sky was clear, and as you look out off the beach the horizon looks like it developed from an artist's pallet, a distinct line on Mother Nature's canvas of sky blue and an ocean of cerulean blue, truly a masterpiece.

Renting our bikes was another masterpiece of ineptitude and pain, as four old people dared to ride a bike once again. Getting used to a two-wheeler was kind of hairy for this timid soul, who made an attempt and was ready to take off until TLW (The Little Woman) tried, fell and scraped her elbow. Of course, this scared me as we came running over to her.

Getting up from the ground, the little old lady slowly raised her battered body and wounded pride in the upright position. At our age, the upright position is always important! I suggested a tricycle for her and she agreed, so I took one also so she wouldn't feel different and off we went.

Once we started riding, it occurred to me as I watched TLW steer out of control, that life is a cycle, almost a bicycle, in that we learn on a three-wheeler, grow to a two-wheeler and revert back to a three-wheeler.

But the tour of Cape May was splendid, the sea so calming without the rush of waves and the beach abandoned for the season. God's gift to humanity.

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