Monday, October 16, 2017


Finally, after finding two places closed that used to service my tuxedo needs, I discover that Men's Wearhouse and the lovely Amy exist to make me look better than usual.

Taking TLW's advice (The Little Woman), I go to the Best Buy shopping center and Bagel House of Disappointments and find Men's Wearhouse. Men's Wearhouse is situated far in the corner of this rather large strip mall that has its own zip code.
That's me, in the middle.
I arrive at the place at 9:45 AM and as I reach for the door handle, it is locked. "Oh, No!" I think. Are they closing just because I need a tuxedo? Is this a conspiracy, am I really looking at a dark store with a bolt lock in place? Then I see it, ‘STORE HOURS". They don't open until 10:00 AM.

So, what will I do for 15 minutes? Sit in my car? Nah. Wait outside the building? Nah. In the horizon, just below the rising sun, I see a bagel store. An Idea, a bagel with cream cheese and coffee, after all, it is about 3 hours since I had a bowl of cereal. I think that it is far enough to make it count as exercise, and if I return to the Men's Wearhouse after eating my bagel, that walk will double the count of exercise! I'm a genius!

I start the long walk and enter the bagel place. There is a long line, people, kids and all the noise you could ask for. Finally, I get my turn to order, I look up at the menu and it says that a bagel with cream cheese is a dollar more than a bagel with butter. Screw them, I'll order the bagel with butter. Out comes the bagel with butter and my coffee and I decided to sit in the store and eat it. I look in the bagel and notice the bagel has so little butter on it, you think maybe the moron who buttered it is a medical student. So they screwed me!

I walk back to the Men's Wearhouse and enter the store. Of course, there is a small line ahead of me and all the clerks are busy. Finally, after 20 minutes Amy my new personal tailor and the new close best friend says to me: "NEXT"! I step forward. Amy is about 5'2" with a very tight sweater with a mission, to hold ‘em and make me sweat!

I can't wait for the measurement part of the process. Never looked forward to it before, but I'm betting Amy will make me happy. She does, and when I'm happy, then I'm happy, too!

Here's the problem- I can't seem to remember what I'm happy about, but I remember this happy from before.

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