Monday, March 09, 2020


According to health experts, unless you have been to the Hubei Chinese province or had close contact with someone who visited there recently, your chances of getting coronavirus are extremely low.

Yet, we read about people dying and the quarantine measures are now becoming extreme, so we are all concerned about contacting it. When people die, it is serious.

I like to think that the odds are low that I will get it. However, I will take precautions for the future, after all, no one wants to die from it, we all want to die healthy.

When I do go which feels like soon, lately, I want people to view me in my pine box and say: “He looks good!” What I don’t want to have them say is: That’s the best he ever looked!”

I plan on having a card made up that the corona will place in my suit jacket breast pocket tat says: “I HATE WHEN THIS HAPPENS!” I think that it would be nice if instead of rows of chairs, the pine box be placed on a rotating platform with a mechanical hand that waves bye-bye as I turn 360 degrees, the chairs all placed around the platform in a circle. To induce people to show up, I would like my mouth wired open and popcorn be distributed as the visitors try to toss the popcorn into my mouth.

So, coronavirus, or just plain flu, stay healthy.

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