Wednesday, March 18, 2020


It feels like gloom and doom as the Coronavirus increases in intensity and the stock market falls. Where is the end, is it anywhere near, in sight?
As I sit in my home in fear of the virus, the pandemic that will destroy the world economy and then be gone, I listen to the state and federal people give updates and reports, bad news and nothing positive. It comes during the season of hope, the season of Easter the Christian belief that is hope. Even my spell-check has problems with the spelling of Coronavirus, striking its red underline to denote a misspelling.

I can’t even go out to dinner to get away from it all, it is a barren wasteland of closed restaurants and businesses. Take out is OK, but then I have to eat it at home or in my car, taking away the joy of getting away from it all.

I watch the TV and my wife and I spend our time on Amazon Prime, watching Poldark, The Last Tycoon, and discovering some great shows from across the pond and even in these United States of America. We eat in front of the TV fascinated, by the horror of the news and the wonder of Amazon Prime. I have my own little joy in recorded Hogan’s Heroes; it is funny how Sergeant Schulz and Colonel Klink can amuse me. Once the Little Woman falls asleep in her recliner, on comes the joy of Stalag 13, my TV stalag opposed to my very own stalag with a mortgage!

If I don’t read the newspaper from front to back, do all the puzzles, I take a snooze, eat or cook up new ideas, but I do most of that anyway.

I try not to answer the phone except if it is coming from a source where my daughter is involved or my sons. Who knows, maybe someday my grandchildren will start calling asking if we want to do Facetime with my children.

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